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AI in Recruiting: How Artificial Intelligence Can Support Recruiters

The use of AI in recruiting can be promising and relieve the work load of HR departments. We show what is possible.

Marc Clemens
Marc Clemens

Mar 08, 2023

AI-powered chatbot ChatGPT is currently receiving a lot of attention and is being used by more and more companies. Artificial intelligence can also be helpful in many areas in recruiting, for example with job advertisements and messages or with summarizing applications. However, the success always depends on the right use.

Fighting the talent shortage with AI support

In many sectors, it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to find the right talent. Jobs remain unfilled for months, and recruiting departments are increasingly strained. They can no longer rely on traditional channels, but must focus on active sourcing and target potential candidates. Through employer branding measures, they have to try to make their own company known as an attractive employer.

These additional tasks put a burden on recruiters and cause ever-increasing delays in filling positions. Artificial intelligence (AI) in recruiting can provide support in many areas. This makes the daily life of recruiters easier and companies find new team members faster.

Have job ads written and optimized

Based on the desired requirements, task profiles and company information, an AI-powered tool like ChatGPT can generate a job description within a short time. This can even reveal aspects that the recruiter had not thought of before.

9am’s Job Description Generator does just that, creating a comprehensive job description within a minute based on just a few pieces of information.

If necessary, an AI can also optimize and enhance existing job ads or rewrite them in such a way that they become interesting for different target groups. This can be done, for example, by adjusting the choice of words or highlighting different benefits within a very short time.

Generate messages for active sourcing

Posting a job ad is not enough these days. Recruiters also have to make sure that it is seen. One way to do this is through active sourcing, which means directly approaching interesting candidates via LinkedIn or similar platforms.

AI can support recruiting in the creation of messages based on the job advertisement that arouse interest. Here, too, it is possible to generate different versions and select the appropriate one depending on the person addressed.

Optimize career pages

Anyone who comes to the company's career page via the job ad or through a direct message should have as positive an impression as possible there. An AI can give recommendations on how to make the page more appealing or write new sections to make it even more informative.

Get application summaries

AI-generated summaries of CVs or cover letters help recruiters to evaluate applications more quickly. They can look out for certain keywords in the summaries and thus see more easily whether a person should be shortlisted or not.

Create interview guidelines

Once the candidate selection has been made, the interviews are next on the agenda. An AI can provide a set of questions that are interesting for the position to be filled. This may give recruiters additional ideas for unusual questions. If the recruiter's expertise in the field of the job is not that high, the questions are a helpful suggestion.

Combining human and artificial intelligence

However, as in many areas, we should not rely completely on AI in recruiting. The human dimension plays an important role and there is no substitute for it. Experienced recruiters bring a level of judgement that AI cannot replace. Also, let's not forget that AI is prone to reproducing bias, which is a problem in recruiting in general. 

The right way is probably to combine human intelligence and experience with AI for tasks that can be easily automated. For which tasks AI should be used in recruiting, each company has to decide individually.

Marc Clemens

Marc Clemens is the founder and CEO of CodeControl and 9am. He is a serial entrepreneur who studied at University of St. Gallen and HEC Paris. In 2016, he founded CodeControl, a curated marketplace and a community of the best tech freelancers in Europe. With 9am, he has created a platform that enables smooth collaboration between freelancers and companies.

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