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Back Freelance Summer Fest 2023

Freelance Summer Fest 2023 in Berlin

The Freelance Summer Fest hosted by 9am, Uplink and CodeControl was the perfect opportunity for freelancers to network in a relaxed atmosphere.

9am Team
9am Team

Jul 24, 2023

Freelancers don't have a summer party because they don't work for a company?That doesn't have to be true! We hosted the Freelance Summer Fest for the second time already.

Freelancers meet and network

On July 13th 2023, a group of freelancers gathered for a summer party in Jules Beergarden in Berlin. 9am, Uplink and CodeControl organized the event for the second time because freelancers usually don't have a company summer party they can go to.

The Freelance Summer Fest was visited by a diverse group of freelancers, who enjoyed pizza, beer and making great connections with fellow freelancers. One of the biggest topics this year was how to sell better as a freelancer and how ChatGPT can help with that.

Even a brief storm and rain couldn't destroy the nice and relaxed atmosphere.

We hope to see you there next year! In the meantime, check out some impressions from last year's party to get summer vibes:


Sign up to 9am to be a part of the next event and to benefit from the only freelancer platform you will ever need. Learn more and sign up for free.


9am Team

9am erleichtert beiden Seiten das Leben: Freelancern und Unternehmen. Wir sorgen für eine reibungslose Zusammenarbeit zwischen ihnen.

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