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9am for companies

9am Freelancer Management Hub

Get your own freelancer management system for you and your team: gather and manage all freelancers centrally.

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Manage your talents
without a hassle

You can easily search freelancers from your own talent pool, compare them and find the best candidate for your project: all in one place.

On 9am, your freelancer network is always up-to-date so you have all the data you need to make the best hire.

Custom talent lists

Create Talent Lists

Build your own custom lists of freelancers: categorized by skills, projects or however it suits you. You can also create shared lists and include freelancers that your colleagues have previously assessed or hired.

Favourite talents

Mark favourite freelancers

If you were happy with their performance, mark talents as "favourites" so you can always find them quickly and contact them again in one click.

Invite Talents

Invite your network

No matter where your freelancers come from, you can upload a list of contacts, easily invite them to 9am and see them all in one place.

Share feedback

Share feedback with
your team easily

Share your experiences and reviews about a freelancer, so everyone in your team can make a better informed decision for future collaboration.

View your talent history

Use the history log to easily keep track of all the freelancers you already worked with and the past projects you collaborated on with them.

Talent history
9am for companies

Book a free demo and discover more

You'll learn more about our Freelancer Management Hub and other features that will be helpful for your company!